For Participants
How to register?
You are interested to join CURE, the Chronic Urticaria Registry? All chronic urticaria and urticarial vasculitis treating physicians and centers are highly welcome to contribute to this important effort. However, before you can start entering data into the registry some steps need to be taken:
Colaboration agreement
You need to date and sign a collaboration agreement with the UNEV gGmbH, a non-profit limited liability company, that is hosting CURE.
- Collaboration Agreement template
- CURE project plan (ANNEX 1 of the collaboration agreement)
You can also request the documents from the
Ethics Approval
You need to obtain approval for taking part in CURE from your responsible ethics committee (institutional review board – IRB) and your responsible data protection officer/unit. Although, an updated ethics approval of 2024 (first ethics approval has been obtained in 2014) is available for the Berlin CURE Center (No. EA1/146/14) this is not universal, i.e. not valid for other locations. Please also note that the requirements regarding approvals for participation may vary from site to site. In case of any doubt, please check with your institution, which approvals are needed for your participation.
In order to facilitate the obtaining of approvals, here you can find a template for ethics submission of 2024 (please check before using it if all information is correct for your center or if it has to be adjusted for your center), the CURE patient information as well as the CURE written informed consent:
Templates for the ethics application
- Template 2024_ethics application (German)
- Template 2024_ethics application (English)
Patient information (German)
- Patienteninformation
- Patienteninformation für Kinder
- Patienteninformation für Jugendliche
Patienteninformation Eltern&Sorgeberechtigte - CURE_Einwilligungserklärung
- CURE_Einwilligungserklärung_Kinder&Jugendliche
- CURE_Einwilligungserklärung_Eltern&Sorgeberechtigte
Patient information (English)
- Patient information_adults
- Patient information_adolescents_14-17y
- Patient information_children_6-13y
- Patient information parents_legal guardians_legal caregivers
- Informed consent_adults
- Informed consent_parents_legal representative
- Informed consent_children_adolescents_6-17y
Send a copy of the ethics approval to the CURE Office
After a signed collaboration agreement is in place and after regulatory approval is obtained, please send a scanned copy of the approval to The administrator of the registry will send you your login information for REDCap and/or SecuTrial system and you can start entering data into the registry. The link to the data entering masks can be found below.
Online Data Collection – Start with REDCap!
REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application for managing and collecting research data. It is a new tool within the CURE registry for online data collection directly by the patient. Additional information will be added by the treating physician after the patient has completed the questionnaire.
You are directed to REDCap by clicking this link. Data entry is performed online by the patient and the treating physician.
Classic Data Collection – Start with SecuTrial!
SecuTrial is a secure, web-based software platform designed for managing clinical trial data, offering features for data collection, monitoring, and compliance with regulatory standards. It was implemented when CURE was launched in 2014.
By clicking the link below, you will be directed to SecuTrial. Since data collection is done offline via paper questionnaires for both the patient and the doctor, the data must be manually entered into the SecuTrial data form afterward.
Disease Tracker
Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation App
CURE is now also connected to the CRUSE® App. CRUSE® is developed by renowned dermatologists and allergists to help patients with Chronic Urticaria to take control of their disease. Patients are able to document and track their disease activity on a daily basis and provide CURE real-time data to complement our research efforts. Through this valuable add-on, future analyses will benefit from even more accurate and timely information to help researchers advance the understanding and treatment of urticaria. Details on how to integrate CURE with CRUSE can be found in the Members Area.
For more information on CRUSE®, please visit the website.